Gunnar Bittersmann: 30.10. CSS Café: Weird Things You Missed About CSS

Am 30.10. 17:00 im CSS Café mit Stephanie Eckles (dem Kopf hinter

Weird Things You Missed About CSS

CSS is expanding into an immensely powerful language. While modern features are fun to demo, the “weirdness” is what frustrates developers and generates memes. We’ll dive in and make sense of the quirks so that you can spend less time troubleshooting and more time building.

To start, we’ll learn how CSS composites DOM element styles together. Terms such as “stacking context” will finally make sense, and at long last, you’ll choose the right type of positioning on the first try. Then, we’ll zoom in on some fundamental properties and curious behaviors you probably should be taking advantage of when creating complex layouts and components.

By gaining an understanding of the peculiarities of CSS, you’ll gain efficiency in developing and possibly even find that CSS can spark joy!

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  1. Servus!

    Danke, da werd' ich endlich mal Zeit dafür haben!

    Herzliche Grüße

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  2. @@Gunnar Bittersmann

    Am 30.10. 17:00 im CSS Café mit Stephanie Eckles:

    Weird Things You Missed About CSS

    Das Video gibt’s auf YouTube.

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