Wie schon gesagt: ich glaube Rouven möchte weder mehrere Kernel noch merere Distributionen gleichzeitig installieren.
Rouven hat sich nach einigem weiteren stöbern in anderen Foren jetzt doch dagegen entschlossen NTFS und EXT3 in der erweiterten Partition zu vermischen, nachdem an ein paar Stellen von Problemen mit Windows in Punkto Laufwerkszuordnung, freier Platz etc. zu lesen war. Also die 8GB in ein eigenes Windows-Laufwerk verwandelt und eine Virtual Machine installiert.
He is entertaining both out of the car and in the car because if you tell him that a corner is almost flat then he is the guy who is going to try to take it flat even if it means shunting it the other side of it, he will come with the data and say 'hey, I may have crashed and destroyed the car, but I was flat-out'. That is an interesting quality that he has! -- Team Member on Jacques Villeneuve
He is entertaining both out of the car and in the car because if you tell him that a corner is almost flat then he is the guy who is going to try to take it flat even if it means shunting it the other side of it, he will come with the data and say 'hey, I may have crashed and destroyed the car, but I was flat-out'. That is an interesting quality that he has! -- Team Member on Jacques Villeneuve